At Nell's Gourmet, our team is a blend of culinary wizards and operations professionals who share a passion for creating gourmet meals that make your day brighter. Get to know the faces behind the delicious dishes:
Marinell is our founder, owner and chef, the person who took a chance on an opportunity to provide a new type of food business to our community.
“My friend Carol asked me to cook for her in about 2014. It was really fun because Carol loved everything I made. I thought it was cute when Carol told me, ‘Your food is so good, I eat it cold!’ “
Lauren is in charge of the pastry team and overseeing training and procedures. She is a Rapid City native and graduate of Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Seattle.
Lauren's Favorite Food Memory:
“I have always loved food and cooking in the kitchen with my grandmother. Cooking was her thing — she had a garden and canned everything she grew. The only memories I have of her are in the kitchen all the time, making us treats. I got so little time with my grandmother, and it was always in the kitchen.”
If you have been in our shop, emailed or called us, there is a good chance you have been in touch with Tami.
In addition to keeping the office running and consulting with customers on custom catering orders, Tami keeps the Nell’s team supplied with smiles and good vibes.
Tami's Favorite Food Memory:
“I remember being out on the farm, going in to Grandma’s pantry where she always had baked goods under little nets … we got to go in there and get desserts.”
Kim often prepares our fresh salads and bowls and brings a smile and laughter to the kitchen.
Kim has a degree in Environmental Management and worked for the USDA Forest Service for a few years after college. Currently, in addition to cooking at Nell’s, Kim works with electric cooperatives around the country.
Kim's Favorite Food Memory:
“We drank a lot of milk when we were kids and we had a milkman that would deliver to a Brown Swiss box by the garage. We were responsible for putting the milk in the refrigerator. Of course there were times we forgot, but for the most part we were pretty good at taking care of the milk delivery in a timely manner. So good, in fact, that a friend, who also lived with four siblings of his own, loved to drink milk at our house because it was cold. It was usually warm at his home as none of his siblings could remember to put the milk back in the refrigerator.”
Lisa works her magic on our social media accounts, engaging with followers, posting and making us look good.
Off hours, Lisa volunteers weekly for Meals on Wheels, and enjoys visiting with the seniors on her route. She’s also on the Board for the Devereaux Library at the School of Mines, and loves helping with their Nostalgia Night film series every year.
Lisa's Favorite Food Memory:
“My grandmother always made me a Banana Cream Pie whenever I had a special day. It was my favorite! I like to cook, but I like to eat what other people make more. Even if I follow my mom’s recipe to the letter, it just tastes better when she makes it!”
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